Pastor Loraine Taylor
Pastor Taylor has been married to her husband Willis for nearly fifty years. She has two sons and one daughter; they have blessed her and her husband with four grandchildren. She lives in Catawba, Virginia, and enjoys the beautiful mountains and people surrounding this valley. Her heartfelt joy is to walk with individuals and families as they learn Christ and experience emotional and spiritual healing in some of life’s most difficult challenges. She believes the Holy Spirit guides and empowers the people of God into the abundant life that He has intended for all humanity. She is the most fulfilled in following the call of Christ to preach the Gospel and lead those who are under her care.
She accepted the call to preach at age 22 and became a credentialed minister in a sister organization in 1980. She has served as a senior pastor for 37 years. She continues to serve as senior pastor of the second church plant and is in her 32nd year here at Grace Assembly of God. She has served on the presbytery of the Appalachian District of the Assemblies of God since February 2001 and is one of the two Executive Presbyters. She has served as General Presbyter and continues to serve on several committees and ministry boards.
Her studies include Tomlinson College, Assemblies of God Seminary, Richmont Graduate University, and Liberty University. She holds a bachelor's degree in Christian Counseling and two master's degrees. She is acquiring her doctorate in counseling from Liberty University.
Her life has been and continues to be richly blessed by God and so many beautiful people. Hundreds of hours have been dedicated to giving the clear Gospel message and making disciples of those under her care. She is humbled at the thought of God’s patience as she strives to become a better servant for his use. There have been so many great people throughout the years who have impacted her life in both big and small ways, none of which is insignificant. Great men and women have poured their words of wisdom, knowledge, and encouragement into her; “they have believed in me when I had little confidence in my personal ability.”
“If I could do it all over, I would say yes again. In fact, I awaken each day with gratitude of knowing God has enabled me to walk in his call; I know any accomplishments in the kingdom of God have come through God’s gracious hand of mercy and goodness.”
Pastor Taylor can be reached via email at